Keble college

Keble Freshers 2023

After you've arrived


The date of your arrival will be confirmed to you by College; for the majority of Keble students this will be Monday 2nd October 2023. International students may be permitted to arrive earlier, by a day or so – for more information regarding this, get into contact with the college.The academic year consists of three terms:

  • Michaelmas (October – December)
  • Hilary (January – March)
  • Trinity (April – June)

Each term is 8 weeks long, with each week commencing on a Sunday. There is also a 0th week which is the week before term properly starts, students are normally required to arrive at the latest in college by Thursday of 0th week. Freshers week will occur in 0th week of Michaelmas term.

Arrival in College

Luckily for you, Keble is one of the only colleges that allows students to drive into college during ‘moving in’ and ‘moving out’ day, meaning that there is less distance for you to carry all your belongings. The time allowed for a vehicle to be parked in college grounds in limited, the college will inform you of the timings and the duration allowed. There will be a one way system for vehicles in operation.

Fresher's Week

Freshers week is organised by both college and the freshers president and freshers committee. It will consist of compulsory events organised by college such as consent workshops, admin talks, library inductions and meetings with your subject tutors.But, the more exciting part, which is optional (but is strongly recommended getting involved in) is the social part of the week which will consist of both drinking and non-drinking events.There will also be the opportunity to go to the Oxford Freshers’ fair: you can find out more information about every University club and society, ranging from sports, music, newspaper and subject societies; some more popular than others...If anything remotely interests you, just provide them with your email address so you don’t miss out! For Keble students, the slot is on Thursday 5th October from 2-3pm. The fair is located at the main entrance of Uni parks, directly across the road from Keble, how convenient!

Admission ceremonies — Matriculation

Oxford students are required to matriculate, wearing their sub fusc in a ceremony that takes place in the Sheldonian Theatre on the Saturday of 1st week (14th October 2023). The important bureaucrat will read out some Latin and as simple as that, you will be matriculated and officially students of Oxford University.The day will also involve a group college photo and individual photos which will be available later to purchase. It is very common to spend the rest of the day celebrating.

Matriculation 2022