Keble college

Keble Freshers 2023


The JCR Committee are an important part of Keble, responsible for its general upkeep; they host frequent meetings and votes for our undergrad population. Here are your JCR Committee members (more will be introduced in freshers' week):

Sam Pugh

JCR President
Hey I am Sam! I study PPE and I am the JCR President. The JCR stands for Junior Common Room, however, it’s not just a room but also the term used to describe all undergraduates at Keble.As president of the JCR it is my job to represent the undergraduates at meetings with the Warden and with the governing body. This includes large issues such as rent negotiation but can also include any concern that a student raises with me.Also, as President I preside over the JCR Committee who are a team of students who manage many parts of life at Keble. Such as Welfare, entertainment, accommodation, charities and so on! I am always open for a chat about anything, and I’ll do my best to help you out with any problems!

Siri Pederson-Gamming & Jessie D'Urso

Welfare Reps
Hiya! We're this year’s welfare officers, Jessie (she/her, second-year Biologist) and Siri (they/she/he, second-year Geographer and international student). As welfare officers with 24 hours of training, we act as a link to university counselling services and support your welfare in college.Our job is to organise wellbeing-related events, such as drop-in welfare teas, and provide free sanitary products, condoms, and pregnancy tests. In a confidential setting, we offer one-on-one peer-support sessions, where you can talk to someone about workload or more serious matters.We also help set up students with therapists at the counselling service. Mostly, we're here to be a friendly in college. We run a team of peer supporters, which you can get involved with by signing up for training.For more information, see the Health & Wellbeing page.

Ellie, Polly, Becky and Billy

Entz Reps
Hi, we are Ellie, Polly, Becky and Billy and we are your new entz team for the upcoming year. Entz (entertainment) looks after the social side of your Keble experience through organising BOPs (Big Organised Parties) that take place every couple of weeks. These are college parties with different themes, providing you with an unforgettable night with your friends.BOPs take place in a wide range of venues including the college bar where you can enjoy our very own specialty cocktails. We will also be working closely with entz teams from other colleges to host events in bars and clubs in Oxford to allow you to socialise with people from different colleges.We also want to increase the use of the college bar and its use as a social space in college so we will be setting up a regular (pub) quiz to allow for your competitive side to be unleashed.As your entz reps, we want to ensure we create an inclusive space for everyone in the college so we will be working closely with other reps in the college including welfare, LGBTQ+, charities, sports and pubs&arts to organise and promote social events throughout the year to ensure everyone is able to enjoy themselves at a variety of events.We also strive to provide a safe environment to allow for maximum enjoyment with minimal stress, so at any event feel free to approach us if you feel you or your friends want some help or even just to have a chat. Make sure to follow @kebleentz on Instagram to get all the updates about our upcoming events and we can’t wait to meet you all in October!!

Laura Brink & Ushika Kidd

Arts & Pubs Reps
Calling all creatives! Oxford University has just about the most vibrant and dynamic arts scene you can get, but with all the great opportunities in drama, visual arts, writing, & more (the list really is endless) things can get pretty overwhelming—that’s where we come in!As Keble’s Arts & Pubs officers, we’re here to help you get involved in whatever excites you. Contact us via Instagram (@laurahbrink / @_ushika) or Facebook under our names Laura Brink / Ushika Kidd! We both have experience in other uni-wide artsy societies like the Oxford Art Club, and various magazines from Oxford Student Publications Ltd. so feel free to contact us if you have any arts/publications-related questions!We also organise arts events in college every week, so there’s always something low-pressure and relaxing to do right on your doorstep. Every Keblite is welcome for some creativity and welfare! Past successful events have included tote bag painting, clothes swaps, zine-making & we’re always open to your ideas too :)Look out for updates on the Keble Noticeboard and Instagram (we run the JCR account @keblecollegejcr ) to know what’s on.

Kieran Bijur

Ethnic Minorities Rep
Hey I’m Kieran, a 2nd year studying Theology and Religion, and I’m the Ethnic Minorities Rep this year. I’m here to help BAME students and any issues they may have.I’m hoping to organise some great events with the Equal Opportunities team throughout the year and help make Keble a warm and inclusive community for people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

Grace Hackett

Social Backgrounds Rep
Hi, my name is Grace and I’m a second year student of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History (aka CAAH!). This year, I am Social Backgrounds Rep for the JCR. This means I’m here to help students from various social backgrounds, including the working-class, state-school educated, care experienced, young carers, and more. Please feel free to approach me if you have any issues relating to this, no matter how small they may seem!

Faith Green

LGBTQ+ rep
Hello, I’m Faith and as Keble’s LGBTQ+ rep it’s my job to work with the JCR to enforce inclusivity! As well as JCR involvement I plan on organising social events to connect our queer community, think film nights (Barbie movie?) and lots of snacks! It’s so important that Keble is a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community, and I want to make sure everyone feels that way!

Grace Gordon

Women’s Rep
Hi, I’m Grace and I’m the Keble JCR women’s rep for the coming year. As women’s rep, it’s my responsibility to make sure everyone feels safe, comfortable and welcome in our college, regardless of gender. I’m a friendly face to look out for in college and around Oxford.I’m also in charge of several college well-being schemes, such as the distribution of sanitary products, pregnancy tests and cup covers. Alongside Faith (LGBTQ+ rep) I will be running the femsoc, so stay tuned for a variety of fun and inclusive in-college events! I’m really looking forward to the year ahead and taking over from Kirsten, who has been wonderful for our year :)